Sunday, April 09, 2006


For weeks I’ve been trying to find a subject worth adding on my blog pages. There are many things that are happening daily to me but I don’t consider them special.

Brief description of past weeks:
At work:
got a new project that I am fully responsible for;
have to travel for it to the Northern part of country for about 700km, or in time, about 12 hours by train;
the project is small but good to start with for a Junior Project Manager;
the least desirable part is the meeting with the beneficiary and the designers.

Beside work:
I started going to gym and as well started the weight training;
Jogging in park in the morning;
Eating healthy food, no more unsaturated fats or micro-waved dinners;
Looking for a flat to rent but I can’t find;
Buying books and cd-s– now that I can afford.

Saving time, saving energy, saving money, saving time, time, time.. It is funny how in this century, everything is meant or directed to save your time, your money, your energy, your life…And still you realise, on the way back home, after over-hours at work, that none of this is actually working in day to day life.

Spicing up my life a couple of minutes ago I jumped the fence at the museum, like I used to when I was a kid, and took some snap-shoots. I will miss this place. The museum used to be our playground, mine and the rest of the kids on the street. Playing hide and seek, cops and robbers, and other kids’ games we made the museum part of us.

Later on the museum was the place for adventures. In the basement, was the hidden treasure of Vlad Dracul. We were looking for clues just like Carter had done when he discovered the tomb of Tutankhamen. Some nails left on the threshold of a door were secret keys that led to the treasure. We were using wax candles stolen from the church to enter in the basement. Dust and spider webs were contributing to the mystery that we will solve out. What we used to be most frightened was the so called bathroom; this was at the basement in the SW corner of the palace. It had two windows in the thick brick walls so you could easily see what was inside.
We imagined that Vlad Dracul was bathing himself in blood from his enemies and so this place was cursed and we could nor enter this room nor get near.

We had to forget of courses and treasures when the guardian had seen us and was chasing us out. Nea’ Dragnea was a peasant hired to guard the museum, he was chasing us with a garden pitchfork … we were scared of him. But we could easily escape because we knew better than anyone the museum; we knew all the shortcuts, all the hiding places and exits of the museum.

Time is passing away; it might be the last photos I will be taking from here. They are made at the sunset, just as the time spent here that is soon to end.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Eating healthy food, no more unsaturated fats or micro-waved dinners"
That sounds a lot like one of Radiohead's lines from Fitter, Happier, More Productive. But they were supposed to be ironic, weren't they?

2:22 PM  
Blogger aalto said...

well isn't life an irony itself..??

2:33 PM  

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