Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Need a coach?

I am passing through a very strange period... i had reminded of a childhood book: Haiavatha the leader of the Red Skins. Meanwhile I am buying a lot of expensive architecture books just as to compensate the fact that I am not an architect myself.. Last night i went to bed at 2 because i was scanning my new Art Nouveau book in parallel with Haiavatha..

its now 2 weeks since i returned from Slovenia. Its a great country the landscape the small cities, the people. I had climbed Prisojnik (2547m) and Mojstovska (2332m) difficult mountains - the most difficult for me so far! On Prisojnik i was about to turn the corner because of my haste and a couple more times because of the bad conditions (snow/melting snow/ice).

Now i had discovered the fascination of a new oportunity: http://www.couchsurfing.com/
Have a coach? Offer it! Need a coach? Search it? You can travel all around the world and sleep on people's coaches!!!
I had always thought of such a site: Now there it is!!!

World have suddenly become nicer.


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